20 Ayurveda Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Written by Oye Zindagi Team

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Healthy Weight Loss: In a world where people are always telling us about the next best way to lose weight and what to eat, it can be hard to keep your head on straight and figure out what will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Anxiety is definitely a standout among the most critical reasons for weight gain on a global scale, so the exact opposite that we need is to worry about that! Is there a way to lose weight and keep it off for good without going crazy and switching from your normal diet to eating less, only to fall off the wagon and start the cycle over again? There is one, and it has been proven effective for over 50 centuries: ayurvedic treatment.

Yoga’s sister science is Ayurveda, an ancient Indian phenomenon of natural medicine. It looks to avoid infection and advance health, equalization, and life span through basic rules that take after the regular rhythms of nature, the seasons, and the hour of the day.

So, what is weight loss in Ayurvedic Dosha types?

As indicated by Ayurveda;

  • The Kapha Dosha type (earth and water) will put on weight more effectively.
  • The Vata Dosha type (ether and air) would be thin and without much fat in their body composition.
  • The Pitta Dosha types (fire), who are genuinely gifted with a balanced body weight, could put on weight just in case they lose that balance.

On account of weight gain, overweight, or obesity, it is believed that the Kapha dosha accumulates in the body, which further stalls the fat digestion process and causes the ailments of obesity and overweight. Thus, Ayurveda trusts the three essential types of dosha. Those who have more Kaha dosha in their system have a low BMR and gain weight easily. In this way, people with Kapha dosha should be more careful and strict about their eating habits, diet plans, and exercise schedules if they want to lose weight.

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Easy and Effective Ayurveda Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Our 23 Ayurvedic tips can direct you toward embracing healthy weight reduction without using chemicals, processed foods, or great eating routines.

Tip #1

To cut down on body weight, or the Medha, it is crucial to practice medication daily to improve the body and the calmness of the mind.

Tip #2

Try not to sleep during the daytime. This must be avoided in all aspects.

Tip #3

Ayurveda Body massages have been demonstrated to encourage weight loss. This method is called Udvartana. It helps you lose weight, makes your skin healthy, gets rid of cellulite, breaks up fat deposits, and gets rid of them from the subcutaneous level. It likewise expels kapha toxins from the body.

Tip #4

Natural honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity and being overweight. It turns on the extra fat stored in the body so it can be used as energy for normal functions.

A glass of lukewarm or tepid water with the juice of a lemon and a large teaspoon of natural honey taken early in the morning on an empty stomach is a great way to shed the extra pounds.


  • Begin with a small amount (around 10 grams or a tablespoon) of honey mixed with warm water in the early hour of the morning. A teaspoonful of lemon juice added to this drink can boost weight loss naturally.

Fasting lime and honey juices are extremely beneficial in treating obesity without causing weight loss or fatigue.

Tip #5

You can have a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice and black pepper powder just after waking to invigorate the guts. This helps the whole digestive framework and gives you a new beginning to your day.

Tip #6

Exercising enough to start a sweat is proposed as an everyday morning activity for healthy weight reduction; 45 minutes to an hour is perfect. However, even 30 minutes will work. Choose an activity you can work with for life, or if nothing else, for a longer time. Once more, we can’t stress enough that exercise is essential to any weight loss regime. It uses calories deposited as fat in the body. Also, a morning walk is the best way to begin your day, followed by a light jog or swimming, if possible.

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Tip #7

Every morning, spend five to ten minutes — or more — in peace and relaxation. Mind-body practices like yoga, self-reflection, and meditation inspire a calming reaction in the body. This mitigates stress, one of the primary drivers of weight gain. It also puts us in a more alert and current situational mind, allowing us to be better leaders as the day progresses.

Tip #8

Eat three times a day without snacking or bingeing. Food is a quick-burning fuel, and when your body is given a consistent fuel line, it needs to remember how to stimulate fat burn.

Our tips:

  • Eat a medium-sized meal somewhere between 7:30 am and 9:00 am.
  • Eat your biggest meal between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
  • Eat a smaller meal between 5:30 and 8:00 pm, when your digestive system is weakest.

Tip #9

Eat in accordance with the season and, ideally, the location. Mother Nature provides us with high-sugar leafy foods and vegetables to keep us cool and empowered during the long, hot summer. Root vegetables are plentiful in the fall and winter, so put away nuts, seeds, organic foods, heavier meats, and cheeses, and put away grains to keep us from getting too cold. 

Chill, In the monsoon days of spring, nature brings berries, verdant green vegetables, and sprouts to wash down the overwhelming and acidic winter diet. When we eat more natural and local foods, and occasionally whole foods, our bodies absorb supplements and nutrients effectively.

Tip #10

Include all six tastes: In Ayurveda, there are six tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, astringent, and pungent. Make sure to incorporate every one of these six tastes into your diet. Sour, sweet, and salty tastes are anabolic, or working, in nature and need the astringent, bitter, and pungent tastes, which are catabolic, or burning in nature, to balance them out. 

An excessive amount of sour, sweet, and salty tastes, as found in the standard American eating regimen, can bring about quick weight gain. Food assortments that are pungent, for example, greens; sour, for example, fiery bean stew peppers; and astringent, for example, pomegranate seeds, offer healthy counterpoints to the building blocks of the sour, sweet, and salty tastes.

Tip #11

Move around a bit after every dinner. Going for short strolls after every supper empowers digestion and peristalsis. Strolling after lunch, ideally for 10 to 20 minutes at a moderate pace, is vital. If you can, lie on your left side after strolling for 10 minutes to further encourage digestion.

Tip #12

Go to bed when the sun sets and wake up with the sunrise. Taking advantage of our circadian rhythms has a significant hormone-balancing impact. In anthropology, our progenitors needed to be motivated to stay up late at night. 

They would have slept when the sun went down and possibly sat around a flame or a light for some time before sleeping. The screens we look at late at night cause incitement in the mind, keeping us awake and wired when our bodies need to rest. Two hours before bed, begin to constrain your screen time. Go to bed before 10:00 p.m. 

Getting a legitimate seven to nine hours of sleep through the night gives the body time to detoxify and reset for the following day. It keeps up healthy cortisol levels (an anxiety-reaction hormone that encourages weight gain).

Tip #13

Eat the biggest meal of the day at lunch and incorporate a wide assortment of cooked, warm foods.

Tip #14

Include fruits, salads, and organic and low-calorie foods in your daily diet plan.

Tip #15

Please avoid excessive salt intake, as it might be a variable for weight gain.

Tip #16

Cheese, margarine, butter, and other dairy products and meats that are high in fat should be avoided.

Tip #17

Mint is extremely useful in encouraging weight loss. Green mint chutney with some basic flavors can be had with meals. Mint tea is also beneficial to your weight loss program.

Tip #18

Cinnamon, dry ginger, black pepper, and other flavors can help you get in shape and can be used in many different ways.

Tip #19

Include carrot juice in your daily diet.

Tip #20

Maintain a strategic distance from rice and potatoes, which contain starches. Among grains, wheat is a great choice for your weight-loss diet plan.

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